1. Introduction
The South of Scotland Coaching approach to practice learning is designed to enrich the student nurse/ midwives experience and learning whilst on placement. The approach involves the whole team working together to develop our future nurses and midwives. This Moodle book provides the key information to help support you if you are allocated to one of the six pilot practice placement area.Six pilot practice areas in NHS Lothian, Borders and Fife have recently introduced a new model of learning and support called The South of Scotland Coaching in Practice, which aims to enhance your practice learning experience. The selected practice areas are taking part in a pilot project where we have two adult health sites, a child health, a learning disability and mental health site in Dumfries and Galloway. We also have a midwifery placement in Forth Valley. If successful we hope to role out this approach to learning across all placement areas where possible.
2 - The Rational behind this Approach to Practice Learning