​Practice Learning Improvement and Support Team (PLIST)

The practice learning improvement and support team (PLIST) for nursing students in Southeast Scotland has been created to replace the previously established Link Lecturer support role, following the revision of NMC Standards for Nursing & Midwifery Education. 

Nursing Student demonstration

Aim of PLIST

To support practice learning and quality assurance processes at pre and post registration level across the ENU School of Health and social care.  


The role of this team is:


  • Identification of new practice learning environments 
  • Quality assurance of practice learning environments 
  • Investigation of PLE following whistleblowing procedures
  • Support and development of practice learning if appropriate following whistleblowing concerns
  • Liaison with external partners 
  • Contribution to national development of practice learning as appropriate
  • Membership of local and national practice learning committees as appropriate 

Who is my PLIST facilitator

Your PEF/CHEF will be able to tell you who your PLIST facilitator is, or you can email Sighthill.placements@napier.ac.uk